January 01, 2004

Contribution Form

Contribution Form

Thank you for participating in my experiment to spread kindness. You can email me to request this document as a file attachment. Either edit this document and resend it as an attachment to terekitadha@hotmail.com, or print, fill out, and mail it to the address below.

PART I – Pure Kindness

Please write a description of what you would like me to give on your behalf. Feel free to specify a time, place, or recipient. Read the Summary or FAQ for suggestions.

PART II – Concrete Kindness

Mark an X by one option below. Make checks out to ‘Luke Wolcott’ with ‘Human Kindness Experiment’ in the memo line. Mail to:
Luke Wolcott
7 Feller Rd.
Rhinebeck, NY 12572

___ I do not wish to give any money.
___ I wish to donate the following sum: $_______
___ I wish to pledge the following amount per hiked mile of the AT: $___ (per mile)
The Appalachian Trail is 2,160 miles long, and I’m asking a minimum of $0.01 per mile (or $21.60). I successfully completed the Trail this year, starting February 6th in Georgia and finishing August 23rd in Maine.

If you wish to do so, you can itemize how you would like the money spent. Here is a short list of possible causes, but feel free to add or qualify. Email any questions.
___ education (some kids can’t afford school because terrorism hurts tourism)
___ malnourishment, leprosy, health (on a personal basis or through local groups)
___ overpopulation/contraception (many Indians are unaware of the options)
___ agriculture (support of traditional methods, help with livestock or tools)
___ culture (support for yoga, music, or religion on a local level)
Write any other comments...

Thank you, deeply.


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